The blog of the thirty-something fag- January Edition 2007
January 30 - 2007

It has been an eventful and BUSY month for me. So much to report, and hardly any of it appropriate for a public forum like Hell's Basement.

Health Issues, (I broke my thumb Skiing) sporting events (uh, I went skiing . . ) and tons and tons of work. I'm getting by, but not without a significant amount of drama.
I know what your saying- "Gimme the Drama, it's what I tune in for!", but alas, this drama is not mine alone, and would significantly encroach on the privacy of others, who I have encroached upon too many times before. Suffice to say, we're ending January 2008 with a zipped lip, and only reporting on events that occurred, with as little gossip as possible.

About My Birthday
It was a pageant, really. Three days of gatherings, drinking and family fun. Friday night we dined at the new restaurant and gastropub: The York. This place is so cool it's influence has totally change the image of Highland Park's night life, from a sleepy family community of illegal immigrants to one of cool, bohemian, 20-something alcohlics. There are young hip people milling about on almost every night of the week, and the place is a nifty 2 actually 9 blocks from my house. How awsome is that?

The Party Goes On

On Saturday night we drank(Surprise) and I think ate at El Conquistador with a small gaggle of our favorite, crazywilderoldercoupled friends. I'm glad we saved this group for Saturday night because they are ALWAYS a hoot! Terry, Scott & Johnny, Gabe(akaWoody) and Chris-I LOVE You guys!

On Sunday we drove down to Oceanside to spend the day brunching with Family. We left at 8 a.m. to avoid the inevitable traffic and we got there in less than 2 hours. By brunch I mean Bloody Marys, Mimosas and enough food to kill a horse. We left stuffed and happy and hungover.

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About That Thumb
Those of you who live in a cave with direct satellite TV, a Wii entertainment system and free-delivery take-out on speed dial might never know the pain of a boken bone, but no one can deny that no bone is more valueable and more disruptive when damaged than the simple thumb. Everything from cutting your meat to buttoning your pants, almost every activity we engage in during the day involves the dexterous use of this mighty, and yes, evolutionarily definitive appendage. Without it, we are reduced to the feeblest of creatures who rely on the more highly evolved members of our households to open our pickle jars, pour our coffee, and plug our leaky dykes.

Innovations in healthcare (and my allergy to plaster) have afforded us the opportunity to test out the new immobilizing thumb brace from ACE brand bandages. Both my thumbs were inverted on Sunday from a fall on the ski slopes, and the right one made a snap sound. Now, three weeks later I still have trouble hitchiking. I'll be wrapped in this device (or one similar to it) until the bells go off marking the beginning of Kitesurfing Season. Yes, it's true, the countdown has begun!!

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