The blog of the thirty-something fag- December Edition 2008

Quote of the Month:
"A man is known by the company he keeps. Or his browser history."
– Bernie Keating-
What fresh Hell is this?:

December 2, 2008

This one last note, and then I'll shut up

To those that say Prop 8 is a religious issue:

Expecting other people to live a lifestyle that adhere's to your opinion of God, your definition of his word, or your religeous preference is considered zealotry. It's what holy wars are made of. Historic examples include the crusades, the grand inquisiton, witch hunts of the 1600's and 1700's, The holocaust and more recently, the terrorism of suicide bombers brought on by fundamentalist middle-eastern relgious factions, and Jihads. All in the name of God.
Freedom of religion is written into the constitution, and the expression means "The freedom to worship your own religious beliefs without fear of persecution."

Essentially- the "without fear" part translates to "Freedom FROM other peoples religion".

It's called "The Constitution" stupid! Read it.

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December 1, 2008
51 days to go and counting

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